Pictured above is how we usually travel on these walks. Dad with the two dogs and mom backpacking a puddin'.
The other night we had an adventure. As we were walking down one of the neighborhood streets, out of nowhere came a lady on a bike and Eb and Lucy started going crazy. That’s when I realized that the lady on the bike had two Jack Terriers running beside her on leashes. I had to stop and let her coast by (her dogs had seen our dogs and now they were pulling her). We kept walking and she disappeared and disaster was avoided, or so I thought. When we were about one block from our house, we started hearing some familiar barking and sure enough the Terriers were back and they were running fast and furious, coming toward us. We moved over to the sidewalk and I had to choke up on the collar to make sure Eb and Lucy didn’t go after them. It was a sight. The poor lady was trying to stop the bike with her feet, but her dogs looked like a couple of sled dogs pulling her along. This time she had a hold of their leashes to her left side (we were on the right of the street), hoping her dogs would continue to pass us by, but one of them was not so smart and he cut in front of the bicycle and the poor lady ran over her dog and then went flying through the air over the handlebars. It was so shocking…Eb and Lucy stopped barking and just looked at the splatter in the middle of the road. We made sure she was okay (truthfully, dad was trying not to laugh while mom was making sure the lady was okay and Puddin’ was just enjoying the walk). The lady was more concerned about her dog than being hurt. But we reckoned that they both needed a good dose of aspirin that night.
1 comment:
I can just see that happening! HOW FUNNY!
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