If you haven't seen "Flywheel" or "Facing the Giants" I would highly recommend viewing them. Both of them have been our family favorites and a source of encouragement over the past year. They were both produced by the Kendrick brothers, ministers at Sherwood Baptist Church, in Albany, Ga. Well...it's finally happening...they are working on their third film. You can find a synopsis of it at the following link
Also, check out this link. It is an upcoming film written and produced by a member of our church
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
One Last Goal For 2007
We have a system at work that if we get a high enough score, we win a trip. This year it is to Orlando. If I reach this goal it would also qualify me for membership into the Million Dollar Round Table (No, that doesn't mean I made a million, back in the day you had to write a million dollars of insurance to qualify and hence the name). Also, if I reached this goal mom could get a Honda Pilot for her an puddin'. So, today during a "boring" meeting I figured out what it would take to get there. I need 42 points, I can see 20-30 points, but I've decided to go for it. So, each week I will update the blog and let you know how close I am. It will help me stay focused. So, can Howard do it? Stay tuned to find out.
Belly Buttons
Night of the Terriers

Pictured above is how we usually travel on these walks. Dad with the two dogs and mom backpacking a puddin'.
The other night we had an adventure. As we were walking down one of the neighborhood streets, out of nowhere came a lady on a bike and Eb and Lucy started going crazy. That’s when I realized that the lady on the bike had two Jack Terriers running beside her on leashes. I had to stop and let her coast by (her dogs had seen our dogs and now they were pulling her). We kept walking and she disappeared and disaster was avoided, or so I thought. When we were about one block from our house, we started hearing some familiar barking and sure enough the Terriers were back and they were running fast and furious, coming toward us. We moved over to the sidewalk and I had to choke up on the collar to make sure Eb and Lucy didn’t go after them. It was a sight. The poor lady was trying to stop the bike with her feet, but her dogs looked like a couple of sled dogs pulling her along. This time she had a hold of their leashes to her left side (we were on the right of the street), hoping her dogs would continue to pass us by, but one of them was not so smart and he cut in front of the bicycle and the poor lady ran over her dog and then went flying through the air over the handlebars. It was so shocking…Eb and Lucy stopped barking and just looked at the splatter in the middle of the road. We made sure she was okay (truthfully, dad was trying not to laugh while mom was making sure the lady was okay and Puddin’ was just enjoying the walk). The lady was more concerned about her dog than being hurt. But we reckoned that they both needed a good dose of aspirin that night.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Snot, Full Diapers, & A Slight Walk on The Wild Side

Well, it started with another virus. Tuesday morning things started to go south. Puddin' was not herself. By that evening she had a runny nose and diarrhea. This is a great toddler combination and the diaper rash that accompanies it all is so fun. Howard had to work late Tuesday and Wednesday night. Tuesday night I got up out of bed about 86 times to check if Puddin' had messed her pants. Sleep deprivation is a common side effect of one's toddler's virus. Toddlers love baby saline drops and snot sucking bulbs. This is quite fun and should become a national competition. I have now read Garden Buddies, Pooh, Roo and Tigger Too, and Raggedy Ann and Andy Sharing & Caring 542 times. Thursday, I thought to myself, "Self you can get some things done in between snot wipes and all the rest. I had done a load of laundry and was giving Lucy a bath (I had already scrubbed Ebenezer) when I heard Puddin' awaken from her nap. Upon entering her room I knew that she had had a significant BM. Upon taking my child out of her crib and placing her on the changing table, I knew this would be no ordinary diaper change. To leave out all the horrifying details, let's just say that Huggies should invent a body suit. Anyway, I thought out loud, "I've got to carefully plan this one. I grabbed a plastic bag and placed the said diaper in it. I put on another one just to buy time. I took the changing pad cover and all with me as I picked up Puddin', swaddled by the changing pad cover. I had to keep the dogs away while I squatted beside the bathtub with Jorja on my knee. I began filling her bathtub with water while she was squirming to get down. I grab another plastic sack, place the toddler on a huge postpartum diaper I still had, took her onesy off over her hips so that I would not smear anything any worse than I already had. I then collected onesy, old diaper and changing pad cover into the postpartum diaper and placed all in plastic sack. I was not going to save any of it. Not this time. I put Jorja in the bath and hosed her down. I then used a hairdryer to dry her poor little diaper rash area. I put thick lanolin ointment on the rash, diapered her and redressed her. At this point I knew she would want her formula. I put her on one hip and with my left hand made the bottle. Just as I was about to sit down to let her take it, Howard came through the door!!! My hero!! My knight in shining armor!! He fed her and I held back tears. He said, "you can cry if you need to." I said, "No, I'm not going to cry. I'm getting what Puddin' has and crying will only add to my congestion." I then got her dinner ready and then I went to Wal-Mart to get some much needed grocery items and time ALONE. I felt like a rebel in my '98 Caddie. I was free of poop and snot for a couple of hours and was making my way down the highway. I needed some rebel music to be my soundtrack for this moment of reverie. As I shuffled through my CD selections in my 6 CD changer, I stopped on Billy Squier's Christmas Is the Time to Say I Love You. I listened to it 3 times. It was the best I could do. And because I was alone in my car, I actually drove up to the speed limit--my cruise was set on a firm 65. I now have more overnight diapers, formula and chocolate. I have a sore throat too, but I'm still reliving my wild evening with a twinkle in my eye. Here's to you Billy!!!
A New Commitment...

This blog is like my commitment to Christ in my junior college years. Starting anew every few months or so...but I was convicted this week when visiting a friends site (who updates more regular on me) and in the "blogs I read" menu, there was facing the giants. I thought poor friend, they've probably memorized the last blog. But, Puddin' is a about 45 days shy of her first birthday and there's more to blog about. She's developing her own personality and makes us laugh everyday. This picture was taken when my mom came to visit us. As I tell people, Puddin' is my third child.
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